New Moon in Pisces
- Sextile Uranus in Taurus. Mercury conjunct Neptune -
New inspiration, insights, visions, possibilities & dreams are streaming through us - if we can be receptive enough, we have the potential to channel them into existence. Over these weeks, our intuition & psychic abilities are enhanced - as are our sensitivities to the subtle realms. Deep unconscious feelings & emotions could be surfacing. If you’ve been feeling overly burdened, exhausted, heavy, burnt out, weighed down, confused or overwhelmed - now is a time for going within, rest, healing, Release & surrender, before the eclipse season kicks off in a couple of weeks which is going to require a lot of energy from us.
Fortunately the sextile to uranus in taurus is incredibly supportive to ground and anchor the energies in; without which, the visions & dreams might otherwise feel so beyond reach & nothing but a good nights sleep. Taurus being fixed Earth, requires practical steps to be taken and a realistic approach. There is encouragement here to trust that our visions are well within reach and will bring us the comfort,stability, pleasure & flourishing abundance that our heart seeks.
*Pay attention & connect with your inner world, emotional needs and higher self. Trust your intuition. Allow the energy to flow with ease.Receive the visions. Feel them. Become them. Express them. Most importantly, honour them - they are a gift for you to unravel and weave through time & space.*
The inspiration that we are receiving could be preparing us to make a wild, unexpected or unconventional choice, change or breakthrough. If the energy is channeled properly, it should bring a sense of aliveness & stimulation to get things moving. Innovating ideas, thoughts & a sense of newness will help to shift any stagnant energy that we may’ve been feeling. Let it flow.
Over these months - as Uranus & Jupiter get closer, big changes are unfolding that are going to bring greater meaning, expansion & blessings into our lives. This can be a very unsettling energy due to the Uranian influence on Earth - really shaking us up & out of our comforts whilst rapidly shifting our values & world views to be more in alignment with higher truths & wisdom for the greater good of all.Breaking us out of the conventional, the routine & surface level pleasures & desires and liberating us into a portal of greater depth, meaning & purpose; awakening us to new found desires that could come with a surprise.
Expect the unexpected. The energy will increase in its electric feels, as will sudden awakenings and lightbulb moments. If there is any energy that’ll keep us on your toes and break us free from our comfort zones - it’s this. There could be a sudden need for change that follows from personal awakenings that we are experiencing. After all, Uranus is the great awakener and is here to help us revolutionise our lives in any given area.
The big shifts that are occurring are helping us to get into greater alignment with the universal currents and our highest good - to create more valuable impact in the world. The flashes of insights and downloads that we receive are helping us to tap into & realise our unique & most valuable skills, gifts & talents - guiding us on how best to use, express & direct them, for the greater good of humanity, on the path to collective liberation.
Jupiter sextile Saturn in Pisces is helping us to bring form to our visions, as we continue to create sacred containers and firmer structures in our lives for long lasting foundations - we do so with the awareness that our cause & devotion is our gift to the collective. We are being initiated and strongly encouraged to use our gifts to create more meaningful impact in the world. We are becoming more committed & devoted to our dreams. More responsible and dedicated to our mission & higher purpose. The purpose & sacred dream that we hold within the deepest parts of ourself is being realised in a more profound way. If we have struggled with creating boundaries in an area of life, now we are being asked to honour the wisdom that is held within those boundaries.
*Pay attention to the subtle feelings that you pick up. See beyound what appears on the surface. See and feel beyond the veil. the veil is thin and helping us to see beyond illusions, delusions, and deceptions.*
We are being prepared to rebirth from the unconscious & subtle Piscean realms & will soon be activated by an overload of fire coming our way in the next few weeks as we enter into Aries season. The energy will want to be channeled & directed efficiently - without direct intent and focused vision, we might find the fiery overload bring great disharmony and conflict in different areas of our lives. The fire needs to be channeled productively. Impulses and instincts will be high but with a grounded sense of direction, there’s nothing wrong with a passionate & direct approach. This is when we will be able to initiate and act upon our awakenings & realisations.
The more challenging aspects that have been influencing our lives is the Venus - mars square to Jupiter & Uranus. The past weeks this energy has been increasing but technically started in early October and is ready to be reactivated in the upcoming eclipse seasons.
Mars and Venus are fully alive in the current energies as they are currently the rulers of fate. There is so much to say about this, so please stay tuned for my next blog to gain more clarity and insight into how their movements have been influencing & activating different areas of your life, direction, identity, and relationships. Things are about go get charged to say the least.
Cosmic blessings,
Freya Gabriel x